Young people are the heart of the SDG framework. The key words, “Children” and “Youths” have been mentioned 33 times in the SDG framework. Atleast 10 out of 17 goals related directly to the youths and their empowerment. The framework pays special attention to youth education, health, nutrition, employment, dignity, empowerment, security, equality and young peoples lives, numerous indicators have been devised. To contribute to the framework PAD's priority is children and youths.Under youth empowerment process, we follow “Camp approach” because the amazing power of Temporary community is to bring about radical and life changing transformation. Creating a safe place away from their daily routine is the foundation for unlearning and learning. Extended living together opportunities will help to reinforce new values and attitudes.
The soul reviving power of the Outdoors: Being out in the wilderness shake the youth out of the daily routine and touch their hearts and giving them an opportunity to reflect on their lives from a distance. Make positive decisions towards more healthy living and prioritising those things that are of real long term values. Being away from unhealthy distractions will enhance new experiences even as participants get inspired to ‘climb every mountain and overcome challenges’.
PAD uses “Camp Approach”: Adventure-Based Learning (ABL), is one of the set of tools and are the energising tools that we use: To build group cohesion, explore conflict, self awareness, confidence building, positive attitude building, examine leadership roles, ecological rights, civic education - mainly social ethics, etc., all in a fun, experiential way. They come back from the camp with an action plan. It will be followed and monitored in their monthly youth meetings.
Total reach until November 2018 is 726 youths (Female - 356 and Male - 370). We have about 2500 youths as youth clubs in Gulf of Mannar region.
There is a significant change among the youths in Civic values, Social ethics and values, positive beliefs about their own future, positive identity, skills on ability to recognise and respond positively, interpersonal skills, thinking skills, etc., after the camp process. We are doing a systematic study on the impact. We will share the result with CCFC.